super system: monster evolution
- beastygamesUnder unexplicabel cirusmtances, you find yourself thrust into an unforgiving fantasy realm, teeming with unrelenting challenges and the harsh demands of survival. Its either death, or reaching the apex of evolution.
the wight king
- nociferA story about a recently awakened undead warrior, stricken with the curse of the Wight King, risen weakened and without memories, they fight for their life as they strive to discover their purpose in this new world. Aided by an ally of circumstance o
virtue's end
- crimsisIn a gritty medieval world struck by catastrophe, you exist as a monster hunter, cursed with a (barely) sealed monstrous side. Bound to serve a human Keeper, you travel through broken lands teeming with danger.
- dakotaFaewild is centered around flourishing in an environment that was meant to crush you under heel. You will be faced with the repercussions of growing up alienated from your own people, and determine how you manage your sense of self.
obsolete stars
- anandraSo let’s be real, we all read fanfiction that followed the prompt of “Help, my parents sold me off to [insert boy band/ celebrate crush/ tumblr sexy man of the week)!”, but unlike those fanfictions, you weren’t sold off to your hot crush.
techblade of the mage
- riza-nuRobot maid/butler/servant in a fantasy setting.
the ultimate magic student
- zcometaWhat would you do if you wake up one day to the shocking revelation that you’re a fictional character in an immensely popular anime? Not only that, but you’ve spent your entire life as an utterly unremarkable extra, with no backstory or personality.
A historical fantasy novel set 3500 years ago in Ancient Egypt.
exit through the gift shop
- bjosephOver a lifetime of family visits to the American Museum of Natural History, how will you leave behind a legacy defined not by wealth or property but, rather, one measured in moments of awe, in knowledge inspired, in relationships deepened?
choice of rebels: stormwright
- havenstone-Sequel to Choice of Rebels: Uprising. An epic fantasy Work in Progress.