*comment Copyright 2010 by Dan Fabulich. *comment *comment Dan Fabulich licenses this file to you under the *comment ChoiceScript License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may *comment not use this file except in compliance with the License. *comment You may obtain a copy of the License at *comment *comment http://www.choiceofgames.com/LICENSE-1.0.txt *comment *comment See the License for the specific language governing *comment permissions and limitations under the License. *comment *comment Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *comment software distributed under the License is distributed on an *comment "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, *comment either express or implied. *title Gender Setting Example *author Harris Powell-Smith *scene_list startup *comment this variable controls whether the player is asked to define NPC genders when they're met ingame *create genderchoice false *comment PC's personal info *create pc_gender 4 *create cis false *create pc_they "" *create pc_them "" *create pc_their "" *create pc_theirs "" *create pc_boy "" *create pc_sibling "" *create pc_child "" *create pc_plural true *comment the pc_say variable controls whether or not verbs will be pluralised. *comment Rather than having to write '$!{pc_they} @{pc_plural say|says} the sky is blue' it saves time, and reduces errors, to write '$!{pc_they} ${pc_say} the sky is blue' *comment You can include as many of these as you like if there are particular verbs that gender-selectable characters use a lot. *create pc_say "" *comment Freddie's personal info *create freddie_rand 0 *create freddie_plural true *create freddie_gender 4 *create freddie_they "" *create freddie_them "" *create freddie_their "" *create freddie_theirs "" *create freddie_title "" *create freddie_child "" *create freddie_firstname "" *create freddie_say "" *comment Gonzalez's personal info *create gonzalez_rand 0 *create gonzalez_plural true *create gonzalez_gender 4 *create gonzalez_they "" *create gonzalez_them "" *create gonzalez_their "" *create gonzalez_theirs "" *create gonzalez_title "" *create gonzalez_child "" *create gonzalez_say "" You can form romances or partnerships with some side characters, and they can have varied genders (male, female, and non-binary) on each playthrough. How would you like the genders to be set? *choice #Randomize the genders of variable side characters. *rand freddie_rand 1 3 *if freddie_rand = 1 *gosub freddie_male *goto gonzalez_randomize *elseif freddie_rand = 2 *gosub freddie_female *goto gonzalez_randomize *elseif freddie_rand = 3 *gosub freddie_nb *goto gonzalez_randomize *else *bug freddie_rand is ${freddie_rand}; expected value 1-3 *label gonzalez_randomize *rand gonzalez_rand 1 3 *if gonzalez_rand = 1 *gosub gonzalez_male *goto npcgenders *elseif gonzalez_rand = 2 *gosub gonzalez_female *goto npcgenders *elseif gonzalez_rand = 3 *gosub gonzalez_nb *goto npcgenders *else *bug gonzalez_rand is ${gonzalez_rand}; expected value 1-3 #Pick a single gender for all variable side characters. All side characters with variable genders will be: *choice #Female. *gosub freddie_female *gosub gonzalez_female *goto npcgenders #Non-binary. *gosub freddie_nb *gosub gonzalez_nb *goto npcgenders #Male. *gosub freddie_male *gosub gonzalez_male *goto npcgenders #Choose the genders of variable side characters as you play. *set genderchoice true *goto npcgenders *label npcgenders *if genderchoice When you meet Freddie... *fake_choice #He introduces himself. *gosub freddie_male #She introduces herself. *gosub freddie_female #They introduce themself. *gosub freddie_nb Then Gonzalez shows up. *fake_choice #He says hello. *gosub gonzalez_male #She says hello. *gosub gonzalez_female #They say hello. *gosub gonzalez_nb *goto pronouns *else When you meet Freddie, ${freddie_they} @{freddie_plural introduce|introduces} ${freddie_them}self and ${freddie_say} hi. Then Gonzalez shows up. $!{gonzalez_they} ${gonzalez_say} hello too. *label pronouns *page_break What do you want your main character's pronouns to be? *choice #He/him. *gosub pc_male *goto genderfeedback #She/her. *gosub pc_female *goto genderfeedback #They/them. *gosub pc_nb *gosub pc_they *goto genderfeedback #Something else. [enter your own] *gosub pc_nb *label pronounselect Please enter your subjective pronoun (for example, he, she, they). *input_text pc_they Please enter your objective pronoun (for example, him, her, them). *input_text pc_them Please enter your possessive pronoun (for example his, her, their). *input_text pc_their Do your pronouns work best with singular or plural verbs? *fake_choice #Singular (for example "he says", "she says"). *set pc_plural false #Plural (for example "they say".) Characters in the game will refer to you with the pronouns ${pc_they}/${pc_them}/${pc_their}, as in: "$!{pc_they} @{pc_plural survey|surveys} the shop windows, wondering what ${pc_their} sister would buy for ${pc_them}." Is that right? *choice #Yes. *goto genderselect #No. *goto pronounselect *label genderfeedback Characters in the game will refer to you with the pronouns ${pc_they}/${pc_them}/${pc_their}, as in: "$!{pc_they} @{pc_plural survey|surveys} the shop windows, wondering what ${pc_their} sister would buy for ${pc_them}." Is that right? *choice #Yes. *goto genderselect #No. *goto pronouns *label genderselect What gender is your main character? *fake_choice #Male. *set pc_gender 1 #Female. *set pc_gender 2 #Nonbinary. *set pc_gender 3 *comment If you want, you can add additional choices for more detail here #It varies. *set pc_gender 4 *comment You can add options for the player to choose how their character is feeling: in the game itself, or on the Stats page #It's complicated. *set pc_gender 5 Is your main character trans? *fake_choice #Yes. #No. *set cis true And you're done! *finish *label freddie_male *set freddie_they "he" *set freddie_them "him" *set freddie_their "his" *set freddie_theirs "his" *set freddie_title "Mr." *set freddie_child "son" *set freddie_firstname "Frederic" *set freddie_say "says" *set freddie_plural false *return *label freddie_female *set freddie_gender 2 *set freddie_they "she" *set freddie_them "her" *set freddie_their "her" *set freddie_theirs "hers" *set freddie_title "Miss" *set freddie_child "daughter" *set freddie_firstname "Winifred" *set freddie_say "says" *return *label freddie_nb *set freddie_gender 3 *set freddie_plural true *set freddie_they "they" *set freddie_them "them" *set freddie_their "their" *set freddie_theirs "theirs" *set freddie_title "Mx." *set freddie_child "child" *set freddie_firstname "Robin" *set freddie_say "say" *return *label gonzalez_male *set gonzalez_they "he" *set gonzalez_them "him" *set gonzalez_their "his" *set gonzalez_theirs "his" *set gonzalez_title "Mr." *set gonzalez_child "son" *set gonzalez_say "says" *return *label gonzalez_female *set gonzalez_gender 2 *set gonzalez_they "she" *set gonzalez_them "her" *set gonzalez_their "her" *set gonzalez_theirs "hers" *set gonzalez_title "Miss" *set gonzalez_child "daughter" *set gonzalez_say "says" *return *label gonzalez_nb *set gonzalez_gender 3 *set gonzalez_plural true *set gonzalez_they "they" *set gonzalez_them "them" *set gonzalez_their "their" *set gonzalez_theirs "theirs" *set gonzalez_title "Mx." *set gonzalez_child "child" *set gonzalez_say "say" *set gonzalez_plural false *return *label pc_male *set pc_they "he" *set pc_them "him" *set pc_their "his" *set pc_theirs "his" *set pc_boy "boy" *set pc_sibling "brother" *set pc_child "son" *set pc_say "says" *return *label pc_female *set pc_they "she" *set pc_them "her" *set pc_their "her" *set pc_theirs "her" *set pc_boy "girl" *set pc_sibling "sister" *set pc_child "daughter" *set pc_say "says" *return *label pc_nb *set pc_boy "student" *set pc_sibling "sibling" *set pc_child "child" *return *label pc_they *set pc_they "they" *set pc_them "them" *set pc_their "their" *set pc_theirs "theirs" *set pc_say "say" *return